Feb 28, 2018
The Alzheimer’s Association is an international organization fighting to help make a difference in the battle against Alzheimer’s disease. Many people from around the globe support the fundraising efforts of the Alzheimer’s Association, but some may be wonder, “Where does the money go? What does the money raised help with? How does my dollar make a difference?”
The Alzheimer Association uses donations to:
Providing care and support
The Alzheimer’s Association has an online message board and a 24/7 helpline that offers assistance to those seeking information. Support groups are also available to help those facing the disease realize they are not alone in the journey as people from their community lock arms to be there for one another.
Local Support Groups:
For more information visithttps://www.calendarwiz.com/calendars/calendar.php?crd=enc&cid%5B%5D=151754&lid%5B%5D=empty&
What about research?
The Alzheimer’s Association provides more than $405 million to over 2,600 scientific proposals which help lead to huge treatment advancements. For example, the global research community came together and designed the first new diagnostic guidelines for Alzheimer’s in 27 years.
Speak up for the needs and rights of those affected!
BBA Wise Giving Alliance non-profit organizations should allocate 65% of total expenses on program activities, with the remainder going to fundraising or administrative needs. The Alzheimer’s Association actually gives a minimum of 79% of its total budget to the needs of Alzheimer’s, a standard possible because of the tremendous volunteer support.
Join my team at http://act.alz.org/goto/walkthewalkteamchase
Learn more atalz.org/walk
Chase Hill
Community Outreach Coordinator, McKee Homes
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